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X-Sign User Manual

In this section, we'll explain how to manage content in X-Sign, control the player, and set up playlists.

X-sign 2.0 / X-sign User manual / Designer

Creating an Image or Video slideshow

2020 / 08 / 24

You can use the Image slideshow or Video slideshow widget to play multiple media files in succession within one window of the project. The following is an introduction to creating an image or video slideshow.
To create an image or video slideshow in X-Sign Designer:
1. Click the button to open the Widget panel and click either the Image slideshow or the Video slideshow widget.
2. A new bounding box will appear in the canvas area. Select the + button on the lower right corner of the bounding box to add images or videos.

3. Select one or more images or videos to import and click Open.
4. You can resize the slideshow by clicking and dragging on the square nodes of the bounding box.
5. To customize the Image slideshow settings, adjust the following items in the Order panel and the Transition panel:
A. Image Slideshow Order – Select the image and drag it upwards or downwards to re-order the slideshow. 
B. Add, Replace, Crop, Delete – Select an image to add, replace, crop, and delete.
C. Fill Mode – Select an image to adjust the fill mode. The options include Fit, Fill, Part.
D. Total playing time – Select an image and type in the total playing time.
E. Transition effect – Select a transition effect for the entire slideshow from the menu.
F. Transition speed – Select a transition speed for the entire slideshow from the menu.


6. To customize the Video slideshow settings, adjust the following items in the Order panel and the Transition panel:

A. Video Slideshow Order – Select the video and drag it upwards or downwards to re-order the slideshow.

B. Delete – Select a video to delete and click the Delete button.

C. Replace – Select a video to replace and click the Replace button.

D. Display Time – Select a video and type in the duration time and press Enter.