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X-Sign User Manual

In this section, we'll explain how to manage content in X-Sign, control the player, and set up playlists.

X-sign 2.0 / X-sign User manual / Manager

Creating the channel

2020 / 08 / 21

Follow the steps A to N to create the channel. Click here to watch the demonstration video.
A. Click By Channel.
B. Click Add New Channel to the creation page.
C. Enter the channel Name.
D. Select the default playing content when there is no schedule in this channel.
E. Choose to enable anti-image retention.
F. Fill in the description of the channel.
G. Click Confirm to finish the creation page.
H. Select to finish the settings.
I. Select to add the existing device to the channel.
J. Re-edit the information of the channel.
K. Add the existing device to the channel, then you will see a new page.
L. Select multiple devices to add into the channel.
M. You can search the name of the device in the search bar.
N. Click Confirm to finish the operation.