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X-Sign User Manual

In this section, we'll explain how to manage content in X-Sign, control the player, and set up playlists.

X-sign 2.0 / X-sign User manual / Designer

Creating content from Designed Templates

2020 / 08 / 24

Once you have opened a new project, you can use Designed Templates to quickly generate content. X-Sign Designer has numerous Designed Templates of varying orientations and resolutions for the user to easily access. Click here to watch the demonstration video.
To create content in X-Sign Designer using a Designed Template:
1. Click the button to open a list of templates.
2. Click the drop-down menu for the type of template you want to use and then click icon for the template you want to use for your project. A new page with the template will automatically be added to the project and displayed in the canvas window.

Note: The template must match the orientation and resolution of your project settings. To modify your project settings, refer to Opening an X-Sign 1.x project file for more information.

3. Alert text in the template by double-clicking the text box in the canvas and typing in your own text.
4. You can replace images or video files by selecting the item in the canvas, then click on the Button in the Content panel. Select your own image or video to insert into the bounding box.
5. You can customize widget information by selecting the respective widget in the canvas, then adjust the settings in the Content panel.
6. You can move objects on a page by selecting on the bounding box in the canvas and dragging it to the desired location.