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X-Sign Quick Start Guide

This tutorial is a short-cut designed to show you how to quickly get started with our service.

X-sign 2.0

Quick Start Guide

2020 / 09 / 21

Before you begin

What is X-Sign?
X-Sign helps stores attract customers more effectively through eye-catching visual effects and interactive content. With just a few clicks, you can carefully design the content of the digital signage. X-Sign makes managing the entire store content simpler and more efficient.
Where can I get the X-Sign service?
It can be purchased from the official site. Before you buy our product, get a free trial and you'll have access to the latest X-Sign service for 30 days. You can download the X-Sign software from here.
What should I prepare?
- A device for playing content (Windows, iOS, or Android devices
- X-Sign Manager Account (Network distribution via the Cloud)

Set up your account and device

Before starting to publish and play the content remotely, you must complete the following three steps: apply for a BenQ service account, import license, and pair your devices.
1. Register an Account for X-Sign Manager

Go to BenQ Service website > Click Register(Admins only) > Fill in the fields and click Submit > Click the Confirm button in the email to activate your account.

2. Import license

The 30-day trial licenses will be sent to your Manager account directly.
Where can I get licenses?
(1) Go to License Management.
(2) Go to License List.
(3) Click Import License Code.
Read more

3. Start to pair your devices

(1) Install X-Sign Player on the device.
(For Windows system click here, for iOS system click here)
(2) Launch X-Sign Player.
(3) Press Esc button or MENU to see the menu bar.
(4) Choose Switch Mode to switch to Manager mode.
(5) Choose Pair to start pairing.

(6) Get the Device ID.
(7) Go to X-Sign Manager > By Device > Add a new Device.
(8) Enter required information, then click Finish.

Start to create the content

In the X-Sign service, you can create interactive content through X-Sign Designer or use the online editor Designer Express to quickly create content.
1. Go to X-Sign Manager > Designer Express or Go to X-Sign Designer.
2. Click New Project.
3. Start to design your content.
4. Save the file and submit to File List. 

Create content by X-Sign Designer

In X-Sign Designer, you can create your own project with customizable features. Click here to watch the demonstration video. Create interactive content in three steps: import images, edit the file, and distribute the file. Click here to learn more.
Where can I get X-Sign Designer?
Learn more about Designer

Create content by Designer Express (Online Editor)
Create content wherever you are. Designer Express allows you to create content via the mobile devices on the go. Click here to learn more about details. 
Learn more about Express Designer

Let’s start your business marketing plan

With X-Sign Manager, you can easily play the same content on multiple devices remotely. You can also play different content whenever you want.

1. Go to X-Sign Manager > By Device.
2. Choose the device you want to play the content.

3. Click the schedule icon to go to the schedule management page.

4. Book the time you want to set schedule.
5. Setup schedule detail (including Select ContentDuration, Cycle, Priority setting...).
6. Click Submit. The device will start downloading schedule content.
Learn more grouping schedule

Congratulations! You’ve just learned how to operate X-Sign Service.
From now on, you can freely create and publish your marketing content.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.