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X-Sign User Manual

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X-sign 2.0 / X-sign User manual / Interactive (Premium)

Creating interactive content from designed templates with Area Link

2020 / 08 / 24

There are two ways to create interactive content in X-Sign Designer. Click here to watch the demonstration video.
  • Interactive Template: Three layers’ structures designed by BenQ Designer which make you change your content easily. Refer to Creating interactive content with Interactive template for more information.
  • Area Link: For you to customize the link relation yourself. You can easily use it to turn the original project into the interactive project as you wish.
The following is an introduction of how to create an interactive content with Area Link.

Note: Be sure that your smart signage has successfully imported with the interactive content otherwise the touch function may not work.

1. Open the project you want to change to the interactive content, then select Overview mode.
2. Choose the page you want to set the link, then press Set Link Area.
3. You will see Link Area setting wizard. Drag an area to create an Area Link.
4. In Area Link configuration, you can set:
A. Set the page you want to link to. After tabbing the area, you can see the related page.
B. Set the link effect. You can go to the link page directly or to the link page overlapping the original one.
C. Set the transition effect.
D. After you finish the setting, you can preview the effect.
E. Go to and edit other pages.
5. Set link to the previous page, then you can go back to the previous page.
6. After you finish the setting, press Save.
7. Now you can enjoy creating interactive content.