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X-Sign User Manual

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X-sign 2.0 / X-sign User manual / Designer

Opening an X-Sign 1.x project file

2020 / 08 / 24

X-Sign Designer 2.x can open projects created in X-Sign Designer 1.x. The following is an introduction of opening and saving an X-Sign Designer 1.x file.
To open an X-Sign Designer 1.x project:
1. Launch the X-Sign Designer software and click Open Project (You can also select File > Open Project or Ctrl + O).
2. Click Browse your folder. Locate the 1.x project file on your hard drive and click Open.
3. Once opened in X-Designer, X-Designer 1.x project files will be automatically saved to a 2.x project file. To save the project as an X-Sign Designer 2.x file, click either the Save or Save As button in the top right corner (You can also select File > Save or File > Save As).
4. Rename the project and choose the location on your hard drive, then select Save.