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X-Sign User Manual

In this section, we'll explain how to manage content in X-Sign, control the player, and set up playlists.

X-sign 2.0 / X-sign User manual / Licence

Purchasing the license from X-Sign Manager

2020 / 08 / 21

You can purchase the license from X-Sign Manager in License Management > License Extension. Click here to watch the demontration video.

After clicking Buy New License,
1. Choose the quantity of license which you want to purchase. There are two types: Basic and Premium.
2. Select Add to Shopping Cart.
3. Click the shopping cart icon to access to the checkout page.

Note: If the quantity is more than 20, it is highly suggested that you select More than 20.

4. After reading the agreement terms, click the checkbox.
5. Click Checkout to go to the payment page.

Note: You can go back to the previous page by clicking the button Back.

6. After checking the quantity and the total price, click PayPal Checkout.
7. Log in the Paypal Account and finish the payment.
8. You can also pay by your credit card.