Teacher and student writing on BenQ Board

Active learning

Next generation classrooms

Active learning will play a huge role in the future of education . Get students more engaged and involved in shaping their learning. Change the way your students learn by transforming the way you teach.

Active learning

Next generation classrooms

Active learning will play a huge role in the future of education . Get students more engaged and involved in shaping their learning. Change the way your students learn by transforming the way you teach.

Shaping Ideas

Students grasp ideas better when concepts become tangible. Let them come up to the display and experience interactive learning with whiteboarding and intuitive classroom tools.

Students writing side-by-side on BenQ Board

More hands-on

With its multiple touch points, EZWrite lets several students work together simultaneously for hands-on collaborative learning.

Young students hands-on drawing BenQ Board

Moveable media

Students can do more than write. They can use photos and screenshots as well as built-in templates for more context-rich classes.

Planning a play on EZWrite football pitch template

Compete in teams

Team Post on EZWrite splits the board into side-by-side workspaces, allowing teams to compete in real-time quizzes and activities.

Chemistry game on EZWrite Team Post

Animated discussions

Lessons are more fun when everyone is involved. Open the board for thoughtful exchanges and engaging presentations through real-time wireless screen sharing from any device.

InstaShare 2 multiple screens shared on BenQ Board

Show and tell

With InstaShare 2, get up to nine students to wirelessly and simultaneously share their work without ever having them leave their seats.

InstaShare 2 three side-by-side screens on BenQ Board

Two-way touch

Flexible controls allow teachers and students to interact with what’s being shared directly from the BenQ Board or on their devices.

InstaShare 2 two-way touch with BenQ Board

Live camera feed

Students can zoom in on projects and experiments by sharing the live camera feed from their device or document camera.

Using a document camera with EZWrite 6

Expanded participation

Our solutions effectively extend the classroom so that students and teachers can simultaneously explore lesson content together whether they're in class or joining from home.

Student joining lesson from home via EZWrite Web

Borderless teaching

Active learning goes hybrid by adding interactive video conferencing. Guest lecturers can teach multiple classes remotely with ease.

Teaching from home using BenQ DVY31 webcam

Whiteboard anywhere

Teachers can open EZWrite and extend their lessons online so that all students can always see what’s on the board.

EZWrite 6 Web loaded on an iMac

Web-based activities

With BenQ Boards, teachers can use fun learning platforms like Kahoot! to get students engaged from anywhere.

Students using Kahoot! with BenQ Board

Active learning solutions

EDLA BenQ Board Pro | RP04
Create immersive learning experiences with a powerful EDLA-certified interactive display for education with official Google integration.

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BenQ Board Pro | RP03

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Active learning resources

  • BenQ active learning ebook

    Active learning in the 21ˢᵗ century classroom

    Professors from University College London and Oxford University teamed up with BenQ to research how interactive technologies benefit from active learning.

  • Active learning 21st century skills gap

    The 21ˢᵗ century skills gap and the shift to active learning

    To meet changing demands, employers seek graduates with 21ˢᵗ century skills. What must schools do to better equip their students for the workforce?

  • Active learning 101

    Active Learning 101

    Active learning. Blended learning. Hybrid learning. With so many learning modes and pedagogies, how do we distinguish which is which?

  • Exploring different learning modes

    Exploring different learning modes

    How can schools apply EdTech? BenQ developed a diagram with sample scenarios to help match the technologies most suited to different learning modes.

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