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Made to Ensure Comfort

Our PD series monitors for Mac devices use an anodized metal base and stand that look great and allow you to fine-tune screen positioning with tilt, swivel, pivot, and height adjustment. Find the perfect combination for your workspace and enjoy superior comfort to support your creativity and productivity, whether you’re coding, editing photos, designing a new website, or outlining a new industrial design for an upcoming product.

best thunderbolt monitor for mac : pivot
best thunderbolt monitor for mac

Thoughtful and Sleek Design

We understand that designers value simplicity. The design of our monitors for Mac-based professionals emphasizes clean lines, premium materials, and functionality.  Learn more

Best Monitors for Mac Users

Monitor for

Mac - Designers

Mac - Photographers

Versatile MacBook Users

Monitor for

BenQ PD Series

Experience the best monitor for Mac/MacBook Pro-based designers and content creators. With out-of-the-box color accuracy, BenQ PD Series is your top choice for any professional workflows requiring a calibrated color match from your Mac devices to the monitor.

Learn more: 10 tips to choose designer monitors
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Pantone Connect

Exclusive Offer Pantone Connect Premium

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