
WDC10 InstaShow Easy-to-use Wireless Presentation Device

Instant Wireless Screen Mirroring and Collaboration for the Modern Enterprise


Does the firmware version of transmit button and receiver host have to be the same?
It is necessary to keep transmit button and receiver host with the same firmware version. If not, the system to be crashed.
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Which mode should I select for fluent image playing when displaying content like video?
Please select "Video Mode".
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Which mode should I select for sharp image when displaying content like PPT?
Please select "Presentation Mode".
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Why does the screen show Error Code: 006 when I try to pair my InstaShow Button with the Host?
Error Code: 006 means that InstaShow Button and Host which you are trying to pair are not with the same Wi-Fi Area setting. Please contact BenQ local service center for support.
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How to check Wi-Fi Area setting of InstaShow Button?

InstaShow Host and Button have the same Wi-Fi area setting so they should be paired successfully. Thus, to check Wi-Fi Area setting of InstaShow Button, please check the Wi-Fi Area setting of InstaShow Host.

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How to check the Wi-Fi Area setting of InstaShow Host?

Please enter Web Management and click "Information" on the left. You will see the setting of Wi-Fi Area on the bottom of the page.

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How to wake up InstaShow Host (RX) from HDMI Standby Mode?
Please wake up InstaShow Host in one of the following two ways:
- Turn on the display device.
- Press Power button of Host (RX).
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Can 14 kits of InstaShow be used in 14 meeting rooms nearby?
Yes, all InstaShow sets are paired differently, so TX in room A will not display to RX in room B. However, if all 14 pcs RX are playing 1080p video under 5G 802.11ac at the same channel, lagging issue may take place.
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Can I use InstaShow purchased from the U.S. in Europe?

Sorry but no.

InstaShow can only be used in regions of the same Wi-Fi Area but Wi-Fi areas of the U.S. and Europe are different according to the regulation.

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Can I use InstaShow/InstaShow S for 10-12 hours per day?

Yes, you can.

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If I buy an InstaShow in one country, can I use it in another country?
How to change the sound coming from a laptop to the projector’s speakers while playing video through the InstaShow/InstaShow S on a projector?

Please adjust the setting of laptop audio to "HDMI output". Windows OS will record your previous audio output as default. Thus, you only need to re-appoint it to "HDMI output".

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Is InstaShow/InstaShow S compliant with HDCP?

Yes, InstaShow/InstaShow S is compliant with HDCP. When HDCP content is shared with InstaShow/InstaShow S, the HDCP content will be shown on the HDMI-compliant digital displays.

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Will the performance of InstaShow/InstaShow S be impacted if my PC is outdated?

No. InstaShow/InstaShow S does not use any software or share PC's CPU resource. Therefore, InstaShow/InstaShow S performs well regardless of the performance of your PC.

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Does BenQ InstaShow/InstaShow S support Mac extended mode?

Yes. BenQ InstaShow/InstaShow S support Mac extended mode.

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What is the maximum length of HDMI cable to use on InstaShow ?

It is suggested to use a HDMI cable with maximum length of 3 meters on InstaShow/InstaShow S.

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Do I need to do anything when passing InstaShow button to another user?

You just need to plug out both InstaShow button's HDMI, USB cable, or type C from your PC.  Nothing else is needed.

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What is the maximum workable distance between the button and the Host?

The maximum workable distance is listed below: 

WDC10 series: 8 meters

WDC20 series: 15 meters

WDC30 series: 30 meters

VS20: 20 meters

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How to adjust the resolution of Windows laptop that is changed when connected with InstaShow?
Please select "Display" and adjust "Scaling" on the graphics card to adjust the resolution.
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Does the InstaShow series include Apache Log4j or Java Script Log4j support in its firmware design?

No, InstaShow series firmware designs do not include Apache Log4j or Java Script Log4j support.

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What is the power consumption that InstaShow Button needs from the USB port?


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Does InstaShow/InstaShow S support 3D content?

No, InstaShow/InstaShow S does not support 3D content.

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Does BenQ InstaShow/InstaShow S support Windows extended mode?

Yes, BenQ InstaShow/InstaShow S supports Windows extended mode.

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What kind of wireless does InstaShow use?

IEEE 802.11ac, 5GHz, 2T2R.‍

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What is the maximum resolution supported by InstaShow?

The maximum resolution supported by InstaShow is 1920x1080 at 60Hz. Please refer to user manual for more information about supported resolution and refresh rates.

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Can InstaShow Host receive and display images from two buttons at the same time?

No, InstaShow Host receives and displays images from only one button at a time.

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What is the resolution displayed when InstaShow Host is waiting for connection?

The resolution displayed is 720p (1280x720) at 60Hz.

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What is the benefit of turning on HDMI Standby Mode?

What is HDMI standby mode?

Further Query

How to resolve the connection issue and blinking LED indicator that took place after upgrading the firmware and driver for the button and host?

Please try the following:

1. Turn off the power of the host and button, and then turn them on.

2.  Resync. the button to the host again by pressing the hardware buttons on them.

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How to troubleshoot InstaShow Button that does not seem to connect to InstaShow Host.
Please follow the below steps to test if the InstaShow Button is faulty:
(1) Power off the InstaShow Host
(2) Connect the InstaShow Button to a USB 3.0 port of your PC or notebook computer. Do not connect HDMI. Only connect to USB 3.0.
Please wait for a few seconds and note the LED indicator on the InstaShow Button.
- If LED indicator is flashing in red, it means the InstaShow Button is working normally. Thus, the issue may be a failed connection. Please refer to the troubleshooting section of the User Manual for more detail on how to deal with failed display.
- If LED indicator keeps solid red, it means the InstaShow Button is likely to be defective. Please contact a BenQ Authorised Service Provider for further assistance.
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How to fix the screen that becomes grey when displaying laptop's image through InstaShow?
Please check first if laptop's display has been set as "Extend screen" or "Duplicate screen."
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How to fix my laptop that supports Win10 compatible wireless display but cannot connect with InstaShow?
This is limitation of Win10. Same result will happen randomly if you use HDMI cable to connect your Win10 laptop with other device directly (projector, IFP, etc.). This issue is not related to InstaShow.
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How to fix the strange display output resolution when the laptop is in clone mode?
Please follow below steps to solve the issue:
(1) Enter "Advance Setting" page in RX Web Management.
(2) In "EDID Management" row, select "Off".
(3) Trigger reset pin at the bottom of TX button to restore to the default EDID. The Host will stop using SmartEDID function to configure EDID of laptop.
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How to fix the signal loss that occurred after 5~10 minutes in Video Mode when using InstaShow?
Please use the 5V/1.5Apower adapter to resolve signal loss.
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How can I make sure whether it is safe when the device in use is hot?
The approved environment temperature range for InstaShow/ InstaShow S in operation is 0~40 °C. The upper temperature limit of InstaShow/ InstaShow S TX and RX ambient is 95 °C.
When the environment temperature is 40 °C, the measured temperature of WDC10 RX should be under 63 °C and that of InstaShow/ InstaShow S TX should be under 51.2°C, according to the regulation compliance. Please refer to the user manual for the suggested temperature range for safe use.
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How to fix the screen that shows "HDMI Searching" when it's displaying laptop's image through InstaShow/InstaShow S?
Please check if the display of laptop has been set to "Extend screen" or "Duplicate screen".
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When the firmware and driver upgrade process has been completed on both the button and the host, there is a connection problem and the LED indicators on them blink. How can the problem be resolved?
Please try the following:
1. Turn off the power of the host and the button, and then turn them on.
2. Resync the button to the host again by pressing the hardware buttons on them.
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The button is unstable or not waking up if the laptop goes into sleep mode. How could I do to fix it?

The problem is related to the fact that in the battery plan, most of the laptop components deactivate when not used for a certain time. Please follow below steps to fix this problem.

(1) Adjust the power plan so that the USB does not deactivate while running on battery

(2) Unplug and plug TX

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How to change the resolution of Macbook when connected with InstaShow?

The changes are related to Macbook design. The resolution can be defined by changing the display setting of the Macbook:
(1) When "Default Retina Display" is selected, it will follow Macbook native resolution.
(2) When "BenQ InstaShow" is selected, it follows the native resolution of the connected display.

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How to adjust the resolution of Windows laptop that is changed when connected with InstaShow?

Please select "Display" and adjust "Scaling" on the graphics card to adjust the resolution.

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How to fix the screen that shows "HDMI Searching" when it's displaying laptop's image through InstaShow/InstaShow S?

Please check if the display of laptop has been set to "Extend screen" or "Duplicate screen".

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How can I make sure whether it is safe when the device in use is hot?

The approved environment temperature range for WDC10 InstaShow/ InstaShow S in operation is 0~40 °C. The upper temperature limit of InstaShow/ InstaShow S TX and RX ambient is 95 °C. 


When the environment temperature is 40 °C, the measured temperature of WDC10 RX should be under 63 °C and that of InstaShow/ InstaShow S TX should be under 51.2°C, according to the regulation compliance. Please refer to the user manual for the suggested temperature range for safe use.

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My USB type-C laptop is not working with WDC10C. What can I do to fix it?

1. Please make sure if your laptop's USB type-C supports DisplayPort / ALT mode. For any type-C products, DisplayPort / ALT mode is a MUST to do wireless presentation.

2. Please make sure your laptop is not connecting other devices besides WDC10C. The laptop might fail to power on WDC10C because of other devices' power consumption.

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What is the benefit of turning on HDMI Standby Mode?

What is HDMI standby mode?

Does the firmware version of transmit button and receiver host have to be the same?
It is necessary to keep transmit button and receiver host with the same firmware version. If not, the system to be crashed.
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Which mode should I select for fluent image playing when displaying content like video?
Please select "Video Mode".
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Which mode should I select for sharp image when displaying content like PPT?
Please select "Presentation Mode".
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Why does the screen show Error Code: 006 when I try to pair my InstaShow Button with the Host?
Error Code: 006 means that InstaShow Button and Host which you are trying to pair are not with the same Wi-Fi Area setting. Please contact BenQ local service center for support.
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How to check Wi-Fi Area setting of InstaShow Button?

InstaShow Host and Button have the same Wi-Fi area setting so they should be paired successfully. Thus, to check Wi-Fi Area setting of InstaShow Button, please check the Wi-Fi Area setting of InstaShow Host.

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How to check the Wi-Fi Area setting of InstaShow Host?

Please enter Web Management and click "Information" on the left. You will see the setting of Wi-Fi Area on the bottom of the page.

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How to wake up InstaShow Host (RX) from HDMI Standby Mode?
Please wake up InstaShow Host in one of the following two ways:
- Turn on the display device.
- Press Power button of Host (RX).
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Can 14 kits of InstaShow be used in 14 meeting rooms nearby?
Yes, all InstaShow sets are paired differently, so TX in room A will not display to RX in room B. However, if all 14 pcs RX are playing 1080p video under 5G 802.11ac at the same channel, lagging issue may take place.
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Can I use InstaShow purchased from the U.S. in Europe?

Sorry but no.

InstaShow can only be used in regions of the same Wi-Fi Area but Wi-Fi areas of the U.S. and Europe are different according to the regulation.

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Can I use InstaShow/InstaShow S for 10-12 hours per day?

Yes, you can.

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If I buy an InstaShow in one country, can I use it in another country?
How to change the sound coming from a laptop to the projector’s speakers while playing video through the InstaShow/InstaShow S on a projector?

Please adjust the setting of laptop audio to "HDMI output". Windows OS will record your previous audio output as default. Thus, you only need to re-appoint it to "HDMI output".

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Is InstaShow/InstaShow S compliant with HDCP?

Yes, InstaShow/InstaShow S is compliant with HDCP. When HDCP content is shared with InstaShow/InstaShow S, the HDCP content will be shown on the HDMI-compliant digital displays.

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Will the performance of InstaShow/InstaShow S be impacted if my PC is outdated?

No. InstaShow/InstaShow S does not use any software or share PC's CPU resource. Therefore, InstaShow/InstaShow S performs well regardless of the performance of your PC.

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Does BenQ InstaShow/InstaShow S support Mac extended mode?

Yes. BenQ InstaShow/InstaShow S support Mac extended mode.

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What is the maximum length of HDMI cable to use on InstaShow ?

It is suggested to use a HDMI cable with maximum length of 3 meters on InstaShow/InstaShow S.

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Do I need to do anything when passing InstaShow button to another user?

You just need to plug out both InstaShow button's HDMI, USB cable, or type C from your PC.  Nothing else is needed.

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What is the maximum workable distance between the button and the Host?

The maximum workable distance is listed below: 

WDC10 series: 8 meters

WDC20 series: 15 meters

WDC30 series: 30 meters

VS20: 20 meters

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How to adjust the resolution of Windows laptop that is changed when connected with InstaShow?
Please select "Display" and adjust "Scaling" on the graphics card to adjust the resolution.
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