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BenQ Europe respect your data privacy. We use cookies and similar technologies to ensure you get the best experience when visiting our website. You can either accept these cookies by clicking “Accept Cookies”, or click “Only Required Cookies” to refuse all non-essential technologies. You can customise your cookie settings here at any time. For further information, please visit our Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy.
The problem is related to the fact that in the battery plan, most of the laptop components deactivate when not used for a certain time. Please follow below steps to fix this problem.
(1) Adjust the power plan so that the USB does not deactivate while running on battery
(2) Unplug and plug TX
Applicable Models
VS10, VS20, WDC10, WDC10C, WDC10HC InstaShow, WDC20, WDC20C, WDC30
BenQ Europe B.V.
Meerenakkerweg 1-17, 5652 AR Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Tel: +31-88-888-9200
Fax: +31-88-888-9299