Where can I find the log for X-Sign player 2.x in Windows?


Please follow the path below to find the log file:
(1) Go to C:\Users\User name\AppData\Local\BenQ\XSignPlayer
(2) Select \BenQ\
(3) Select \cache\
(4) Select \crash\
(5) Select \data\
(6) Select \log\
(7) Select "XSign.env"

Applicable Models

BH2401, BH2401T, BH280, BH2801, BH2801N, BH281, BH3501, BH3501T, BH380, BH3801, BH3801D, BH3801N, BenQ VR Demo Kit, CS6501, CS7501, CS8601, DEY01, DH551C, DH551F, Device Management Solution, IL430, IL490, IL550, PH5501, PL490, PL4901, PL550, PL5501, PL5502, PL552, PL553, SL4302K, SL490, SL550, SL5502K, SL6501, SL6502K, SL7502K, SL8502K, ST4301K, ST4302, ST430K, ST5502, ST550K, ST6502, ST6502, ST650K, ST7502, ST750K, ST8602, ST8602, ST860K, TWY01, WDR02U, X-Sign

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