Where can I download InstaShare App for Android/iOS/Windows/MAC OS?


Please refer to the following download sites for the app:
- Android phone/tablet: Search for "InstaShare" in Google Play and download the app.
- iOS phone/tablet: Search for "InstaShare" in the App Store and download the app.
- Windows/MAC: Follow the below steps to download the app from IFP:
(1) Ensure both IFP and PC are connected to the same network.
(2) Open IFP InstaShare app.
(3) Follow InstaShare instructions to download the app.

النماذج القابلة للتطبيق

InstaShare, RE6501 65” Education Interactive Display, RE7501, SL4302K, SL5502K, SL6502K, SL6502K, SL7502K, SL8502K, ST4301K, ST5501K, ST5502, ST550K, ST6502, ST7502, السبورة التفاعلية RE8601 86 بوصة, لافتات ذكية بدقة 4K UHD و86 بوصة| ST8602, لافتات ذكيةمهنية مقاس 43 بوصة | ST4302

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