BenQ Pro Series Board RP02 - interactive display for education

BenQ Board Pro

Powerful in every way

Give impactful lessons on an interactive display that encourages student participation and inspires curious minds, all while protecting the health of the entire class.

BenQ Board Pro

Powerful in every way

Give impactful lessons on an interactive display that encourages student participation and inspires curious minds, all while protecting the health of the entire class.



Protect teachers and students

BenQ Board in front of classroom

Defend against the spread of germs

Reduce surface transmission in the classroom with ClassroomCare® germ-resistant screens. The RP02 touchscreen is made with a TÜV-certified nano-ionic silver formula that is 99.9% effective against common germs.

Germ-resistant honeycomb shield
  • Germ-resistant honeycomb shield Temperature, humidity, CO2, and PM2.5 readings in BenQ Board

    A breath of fresh air

    Poor indoor air quality negatively affects student health and performance. The built-in air quality sensors allow you to monitor CO₂ and PM₂.₅ levels in the classroom so you can regulate air flow accordingly.

  • Air quality charts

    Air quality analytics

    Centrally monitor the air quality, temperature, and humidity in all your classrooms from a single dashboard.

Enhanced eye comfort

RP02 displays come with a low blue light filter and flicker-free technology for reduced eye strain and a comfortable viewing experience. Anti-glare screens additionally ensure that display content is seen clearly from anywhere in the classroom.

  • TÜV certified

    TÜV certified

  • Flicker-free


  • Low blue light

    Low blue light

  • Anti-glare


Teacher holding NFC card in front of classroom with BenQ Pro Board Teacher holding NFC card in front of classroom with BenQ Pro Board
Teacher holding NFC card in front of classroom with BenQ Pro Board Teacher holding NFC card in front of classroom with BenQ Pro Board

Make any classroom your own

Teach your way on the BenQ Board Pro. Walk into any classroom and get started right away by loading lesson materials and personal settings with a single tap of your NFC card. Share your laptop screen and control it from the BenQ Board or use the many built-in teaching tools.

Teacher holding NFC card in front of classroom with BenQ Pro Board Teacher holding NFC card in front of classroom with BenQ Pro Board
Teacher sharing findings via his own device from anywhere in the classroom

A more flexible teaching experience

Everything you need to give immersive lessons is already built in. Teach from anywhere in the classroom without external devices or additional software.

A more flexible teaching experience

Everything you need to give immersive lessons is already built in. Teach from anywhere in the classroom without external devices or additional software.

Two students smiling while working together on BenQ Board

Encourage active engagement

Bring classroom engagement to the next level with a wide variety of teaching tools that encourage student participation. Whether you're teaching in person or holding a hybrid class, keep your students engaged and boost their learning retention.

Encourage active engagement

Bring classroom engagement to the next level with a wide variety of teaching tools that encourage student participation. Whether you're teaching in person or holding a hybrid class, keep your students engaged and boost their learning retention.

Engagement on the BenQ Board

The 4K UHD display offers a smooth and intuitive writing experience that allows multiple students to interact with the BenQ Board at any time. With the EZWrite whiteboard, you can make use of fun classroom tools like Team Post for more engaging lessons.

  • Zero Bonding

    Zero Bonding

    Zero gap between the glass and panel makes writing on the RP02 feel as natural as writing on paper.

  • Fine IR+

    Fine IR+

    Fine IR+ touch enables the most accurate writing experience of any BenQ Board.

Engagement from their seats

Empower students to participate from their seats. With InstaShare 2, students can simultaneously cast their screens onto the BenQ Board. You can also add an element of fun by using Kahoot! to play in-class games.

Kahoot! running on BenQ Board and notebook in classroom using InstaShare Button

Uninterrupted classes

Teach anywhere

Teach in any distance learning environment with EZWrite. Interact with your students on the same whiteboard from different locations.

Teacher writing on BenQ Board in front of class

Learn anywhere

Always be ready to learn from home or invite a remote speaker. With a slot-in PC or the InstaShare Button, the BenQ Board Pro is compatible with leading video conferencing software such as Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet.

Student remote learning on notebook at home
IT admin remotely manages BenQ Boards with DMS

Tools for IT and admin staff

BenQ Boards make display management simple so you can focus on what matters.

Tools for IT and admin staff

BenQ Boards make display management simple so you can focus on what matters.

Success stories

Catholic Education Foundation, Volendam (SKOV)
"I would definitely reommend the touchscreen to other schools."

En savoir plus

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Pinguin Daycare
"With the digital whiteboard from BenQ, we are now practically one step closer to Kindergarten 4.0."

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BenQ Board Pro | RP02 Séries

Explorer les autres BenQ Boards

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Contactez votre expert

En savoir plus

Carte NFC | INY21
Ayez vos données constamment sur vous. Cette carte NFC vous permettra de vous connecter instantanément, de charger vos accès et réglages sur votre écran BenQ compatible NFC.

Contactez votre expert

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