BenQ Essential Series Board RE01 - interactive display for education

BenQ Board Essential

Learning is essential

Have all your teaching essentials at your fingertips with an interactive display designed to make classes healthier and more engaging.

BenQ Board Essential

Learning is essential

Have all your teaching essentials at your fingertips with an interactive display designed to make classes healthier and more engaging.


Learning starts with good health

Healthy students are capable of excellence. Provide them with a powerful learning tool that helps protect their well-being in class so they’re able to explore ideas safely and freely.

BenQ Board Essential Series in classroom

Safe to touch

The RE series reduces the surface transmission of germs in the classroom. Its touchscreen comes with our proprietary germ-resistant formula that is recognized by TÜV to be 99.9% effective against common germs.

Germ-resistant pen writing on germ-resistant screen

Protects your vision

Built-in eye care solutions protect the eyesight of students and teachers when they’re using the BenQ Board. Low blue light and flicker-free technologies help prevent eye strain while the anti-glare 4K screen offers crisp, clear images.

  • TÜV certified

    TÜV certified

  • Flicker-free


  • Low blue light

    Low blue light

  • Anti-glare


Let the RE suit your style

The RE gives you unparalleled flexibility when it comes to conducting classes. Teach your way by utilizing BenQ’s free-to-use education features that suit both traditional and novel ways of teaching.

Teacher using BenQ Essential Series Board in classroom

Designed for convenience

The simplest features make the biggest difference in the classroom.

Teacher writing on BenQ Board in front of class

Effortless management

BenQ Boards make display management simple so you can focus on what matters.

IT admin remotely manages BenQ Boards with DMS

Centrally monitor and manage your displays

Remotely push updates, install apps, and generate device analytics for all your BenQ displays via a single easy-to-use device management platform.

DMS screenshot

Control access to displays and accounts

The BenQ Board Essential works with BenQ IAM and AMS, giving administrators a convenient way to manage user permissions and granting teachers immediate access to their cloud accounts.

IAM and DMS for secure BenQ Board access

Complement your school’s PA system

Keep students and teachers up to date with real-time campus-wide announcements and reminders sent remotely from X-Sign Broadcast.

Complement school PA system with X-Sign Broadcast

Success stories

Whykids Institute
"Teachers can use BenQ Boards as blackboards to explain some things or share students' answers."

Learn more

Watch video

Force Defense Academy
"If you want to keep up with the times, then you should definitely buy a BenQ Board."

Watch video

BenQ Board Essential | RE01 Séries

Explorer les autres BenQ Boards

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