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The CARES Act & BenQ

Through the Education Stabilization Fund (ESF) of the CARES Act, the US government is helping COVID-affected schools and their students get back on track through investments in educational technology. The ESF covers a wide range of solutions that can help schools become more flexible and resilient. Choosing the right ones can maximize the return on investment.

How are funds divided?

The ESF composed of three main emergency relief funds

  • BenQ Board CARES Act ESSER fund

    Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund

    K-12 schools can use the ESSER fund to purchase eudcational technologies that help facilitate interaction between students and their educators.

  • BenQ Board CARES Act HEER fund

    Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund

    Higher education institutions can use the HEER fund to cover the costs involved in improving the way they hold class or deliver instruvtions to sutdends.

  • BenQ Board CARES Act GEER fund

    Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund

    Governors can use these funds at their discretion to ald educational institutions that they deem most affected by coronavirus.

How much is available?

As of April 2021, the US government has allotted over USD 280 billion in funds to alleviate the effects of the pandemic to education.

Education Stabilization Fund (ESF)

Established via the CARES Act

How CARES Act funds are divided
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