Well-designed portable projectors where engineers put in the effort to deliver controllable lenses, height adjustment, and reliable moving parts also tend to be much more durable than your average generic product. This makes a lot of sense when you think about it. The good ones weren’t just quickly made to sell en masse for a week during Black Friday, they were made to last – and stay. So you get stuff like water, moisture, drop, and shock resistance. Because portable means…going places, and the going sometimes involves all kinds of surprises. From the occasional rain fall to falling off a shelf. A good portable projector takes that into account, so you don’t need to buy a new one if such an eventuality comes to pass.
Don’t worry, this may seem like a lot to take in, but choosing the right portable projector isn’t that difficult. Equipped with the right insight, you’ll be able to spot the good ones in no time at all!