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【New Product Launch】Illuminate your world with Screenbar Pro✨


【New Product Launch】Illuminate your world with Screenbar Pro✨

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【New Product Launch】Illuminate your world with Screenbar Pro✨


【New Product Launch】Illuminate your world with Screenbar Pro✨

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Desk Lamp Clamp

Desk Lamp Clamp

Desk Lamp Clamp

Desk Lamp Clamp

  • Extension, Easy set-up, High durability, Disassembly, Clip, Clamp desk lamp.
  • Desk Lamp can be clamped on the edge of desk to free up space.
  • Metal materials provide high durability and sustainability.
  • Easy setup and disassembly.
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1 year warranty

All units purchased from us come with a 1 year limited warranty.
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