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Special Combo Offer: Buy any ScreenBar with a BenQ Monitor & Get Flat ₹ 1000 OFF* with Coupon Code 'BQSCREEN25'

Remote Work – New Realities, New Opportunities

The Nature of Work has Changed

Today, there are more and more opportunities for workers to follow a non-traditional work model. Companies such as Amazon, Google, Visa, and Starbucks have or plan to switch to a hybrid work model, and many other companies are offering fully remote work. Specially in fields like consulting, IT pertaining to coders, developers, software engineers etc. hybrid work model hs become very common. BenQ has a range of programming monitors that can ease your coding needs at work-from-home as well as work-from-office models.


So, what is the new reality of hybrid and remote work, and what opportunities does this bring?

The new realty of work is that you can hybrid your work place, work from home remotly or work inside office
The New Reality of Work

With so many looking for new opportunities, employers must take worker’s economic and lifestyle considerations into account. Because of this, there are a huge number of jobs where hybrid work is the new norm. On the most popular job search websites, like LinkedIn or Indeed, job listings will usually state if the job is remote or hybrid. Often, both hybrid and remote jobs are available in the same field.

In the hybrid model, workers spend some of their work time at home, and other times in a traditional office setting. There may be more or less time in the office than at home. There may be specific days where employees are expected in office.

We all have the image of the person working in a coffee shop typing away at a laptop, but now anyone can be that person, working remotely. And as workers learned, the coffee shop is not the only place they can work. If they had a stable internet connection, they could work literally anywhere in the world. 

Programmer remote / hybird job options salaries

The work that most people think of when they think of remote work is that of a programmer in front of a computer, writing code. Full-stack developers, who work on all aspects of a software project, have an average salary of $114,000 a year. Database developers, who create and maintain databases in all manner of industries, have an average salary of $107,800 a year. And IT specialists, who provide support for other programmers, have an average salary of $102,00 a year. Considering the massive size of the people engaged in IT and related services, BenQ saw the opppotunity to introduce its series of programming monitors which are explained below.

Designer remote / hybird job options salaries

Importantly, remote work is not only for programmers. Graphic designers have benefited more than most from remote work, able to take inspiration from any locale, then immediately follow that inspiration. Visual designers, who create visual art for businesses, have an average salary of $80,400 a year. Industrial designers, who do visual design for various products, have an average salary of $68,400 a year. And 3D designers, who create 3D computer models for various objects and locations, have an average salary of $53,400 a year.

Of course, some decided to become their own bosses during the pandemic. The explosion in the popularity of streamers has made many decide to try becoming an online personality. Streamers have an extremely varied pay scale, but personal passion about the subject of the stream goes a long way in mitigating the economic challenges. Some workers have chosen to go freelance, taking their skills from client to client and project to project. Any of the hybrid or remote jobs from above can be done as a freelancer.

Best Practices for Hybrid or Remote Work
BenQ provude best wfh setup with ideacam for mutiple monitor setup

Despite the increased popularity, there are challenges involved with remote work. While many of these challenges have been overcome, some persist. One of the problems is replicating the workstations at home as they exist at work. Many jobs are easier when using multiple monitor setups, however, most laptops are only equipped with 1 video output, a specific peripheral is needed to output 2-3 displays. This makes the BenQ GW-QT series the perfect monitor to have in your home office! This programming monitor features a one-cable connection with USB-C compatibility, so you can save space for the essentials. You can also find a DisplayPort-out port which enables “daisy-chain ” when connecting multiple monitors. Have your meetings at peace with the built-in noise cancelling microphone and speakers. The noise-cancelling microphone will block out any background noise, and the speakers have a noise-filtering feature that allows you to hear the important details.


Another thing to consider when working remotely is communication. Email alone isn’t enough; you need that visual and verbal touch. It can be difficult to collaborate on physical items or drawings, and you need the right webcam to do this. The BenQ ideaCam S1 Pro is an amazing webcam that works incredibly well not only for online communication but also for creative use. 

It is simple to switch from a mounted webcam to handheld mode. With an integrated ring light and 15x macro lens, you can get extreme close ups to show off textures or fine details on pictures or surfaces. It also comes with the EnSpire Control Puck, allowing for easy control of focus, mute, image resizing and freeze functions. And this webcam is designed to use EnSpire visual presentation software, perfect for remote communication and collaboration. The software makes sure your designs and drawings are properly oriented with easy image flip and corner correction to ensure the proper video angle. 

As you can see, the changes to the way we work are here to stay. What is certain is that new opportunities exist for those with the skills and desire. Whether you want to work remotely or in a hybrid model, work for a company or for yourself, you will need the right tools to succeed. The BenQ ideaCam S1 Pro and GW-QT programming monitor series is the perfect tool to help you achieve your goals!


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