According to Futuresource, sales of interactive touch screens have nearly doubled since 2015 and are becoming prevalent in corporate and education collaboration rooms where two-way communication is needed to communicate your ideas.
Because of their size and weight, interactive panels typically are mounted on the wall, or on rolling stands to be able. to be positioned where they are most effective.. The problem – where – and how - do you run a long HDMI cable to enable effective collaboration? Running cables through the wall and floor can be expensive (and impractical) – and dragging cables around when you move the display in a room is not very safe or convenient.
The answer – a wireless presentation system,
InstaShow. These systems enable you to connect a receiver to an HDMI input on the panel – and present from anywhere in the room. But what kind of system is best for an interactive flat panel – and what features should you look for? Here are five things to look for when selecting a wireless presentation system for your interactive flat panel.