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benq eye-careu blends software and hardware solutions for your most comfortable viewing experience yet

Safeguard Your Eyes


Safeguard Your Eyes


  • Smart Timer

  • Distance Reminder

  • Light Reminder

  • Easy Switch

Easily Benefit from Eye-Care Features on Integrated Software

let eye-careu remind you take breaks on a schedule you set yourself by break reminder  to set the schedule for when a pop-up  appears at the bottom of your screen let break reminder prompt you to rest your eyes

Break Reminder

Let Eye-CareU remind you take breaks on a schedule you set yourself. It's the easy way to build healthy computer usage habits.

to decide the intervals for your screen to lock for 10 minutes at a time to build better habits with force break  let eye-careu remind you take breaks on a schedule you set yourself by force break

Force Break

You decide the intervals for your screen to lock for 10 minutes at a time, simply answer a pre-set question to regain access instantly.

Break Reminder

Let Eye-CareU remind you take breaks on a schedule you set yourself. It's the easy way to build healthy computer usage habits.

Force Break

You decide the intervals for your screen to lock for 10 minutes at a time, simply answer a pre-set question to regain access instantly.

eye-careu notifies you to adjust the lighting when your monitor's built-in sensor detects dark environments

Fatigue-free with

Ambient Light Reminder

Dim ambient lighting can strain your eyes. Eye-CareU notifies you to adjust the lighting when your monitor's built-in sensor detects dark environments.

Fatigue-free with

Ambient Light Reminder

Dim ambient lighting can strain your eyes. Eye-CareU notifies you to adjust the lighting when your monitor's built-in sensor detects dark environments.

One-click Eye Comfort

Control your settings and your comfort. Access Brightness Intelligence and Brightness Intelligence Plus and adjust color modes and brightness at any time through an easy to navigate menu.

easily access brightness intelligence and brightness intelligence plus and adjust color modes and brightness at any time through an easy to navigate menu by eye-careu
benq's industry-leading eye-care tech reduces eye strain headaches and fatigue while improving viewer comfort

Eye-Care Monitors Brings You A Long-Awaited Viewing Comfort

Eye-Care Monitors Brings You A Long-Awaited Viewing Comfort

easily access brightness intelligence and brightness intelligence plus and adjust color modes and brightness at any time through an easy to navigate menu by eye-careu


Please check Specification Page for more details on the limitations on functions and models supported.

Support Functions & Models


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